THOMAS McYLRIAH 1656 Will Ballaugh

originally submitted by Joyce M. Oates to Brian Lawson

Tho: McYlriah depted this life ye 30th of Aprill 1656 intestate wherof the Court having intelligence hath decreed his 2 brothers Wm and Jo: and his sister Ellin Mcylrea administrators but for as much as sd: Wm: hath produced an instrument ----- the hand of his sd: sister wherein she doth freely acquit exonerate and discharge of brother her said brother Wm all or any pte of goods due to her by the death of his father or mother as by the dead appearith and acknowledged in Court by the sd: Ellin Mcylria.

Therefore ye Court concernith[?] the same auther [or anther] shirb [or shicb] and hath ordered he yd: Wm Mcylrea adar[?] an qtr of her pte in her behalf and for as mich at the sd: Wm alledges that her pte wch is decreed to the ther [the other?] brother to be due to him likewise in regard she sd Jo: his brother is not present to say any thing for himself;

The Court hath referred the same to further Tryall but Wm Mcylrea sworne in Court according to Law;

Salvo Jure vincuing Suo Jure Decret et Solvit ij s

Invent included in the father and mother

Invent & pledges according to Law Tho: Christian and Jo: Moar

Wheras my loving brother Wm Macylrea hath beene at great trouble vexacion[?] and charges to keep and releeve my brother Tho: Macylrea in his long sickness, and cost[?] the sd Tho: received most pt of his goods due ---- him by the death of his father and mother, and in regard my sd loving brother Wm Mcylrea hath freely gifted and bestowed a young cow upon me of wch I have received possession in Leuie[?] and full satasfacion of my pt due unto me by his death of the sd Tho: his goods due unto him by the death of his father & mother wch is but smale and would not give the sd Wm satisfacion for his trouble and charges in keeping and releeving of the sd Tho: I doe hereby aquit exhonerate and discharge the sd Wm Macylrea and his execrs: and assignes from ----[blot on page] paymt of any pt of the sd Tho: his goods he m-----[blot on page] any othr in my behaulf for that by these presente I doe give him full power to hould and d---- all my rightof the sd goods due unto the sd Tho: both by father and mother wittness my subscripcon this 7th of May 1656:

Note that I free the sd Wm from all my pt of the crop of corne excepting 2 bowls of malt or wheat and the sd Wm is to give me a cow at my marriage provided I marrie with his & my uncles consent. Elin Mcylrea her mrke.

Witnesse hereof Ro: Parre


  1. Dollough
  2. Son of John Mylrea (Jon de Dollough) and Jaine Cannell, both of whom died while Thomas was a young boy
  3. Thomas was a young man when he died, unmarried
  4. Siblings
    • William b1627 married Ann Christian in Jurby and inherited the Mylrea estate known as the Dollough in Ballaugh - the Dollough family - Deemsters, Archdeacons, Attorneys General on the isle of Man
    • John b1630; died before 1666 (see 1666 Composition Book) - Ballacooiley family
    • Ellin b1638 married Rich Cannell in KK Michael in 1659??

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Last updated: Jan 2017